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We are a global community diverse in culture, life experiences, and socio-economic status, joined together with Christ to heal and restore a broken world.

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Revelation 7:9 “After this, I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

Our Story

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Born and raised as a child in Africa, I became a son of a United States couple at age 17. God blessed me with my wife Rita, a loving woman who shares my heart’s desire to love and serve the Lord Jesus. Throughout our 17 years of marriage, we have been bridge-builders, connecting, understanding, and forming authentic relationships beyond race, culture, and geographic boundaries for the advancement of God’s kingdom.


Rita and I have a passion and desire to partner with Christ to build an authentic community of disciples with the mission to love God, love one another, and restore a broken world. However, God is not calling us to do this alone. With every burden God places on the hearts of his people, he rallies others to see the vision come to pass. Will you join us in the together-work of building God’s Kingdom as we make disciples from every nation, tribe, people?

We’d like to invite you and your family on a journey to awaken imagination, ignite passion, and unleash purpose in our community and the world. Join us as we do life TOGETHER!

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